Thursday, March 01, 2007

Mobile Phones Ridiculous Situation

The current news story involving the discovery of a paedophile ring, which had targeted a fourteen year old, who had ''looked in' on a gay website, through his WAP enabled mobile phone, highlights a very serious risk for children through the use of their phones.

The story now reaches right into the Chief State Solicitor's Office, where a civil servant has been suspended after having been questioned in connection with involvement with the 14 year old, in addition to a trainee garda and a school teacher.

It transpires that these low-life, sick, deranged scum, could originally have made contact with the youth following his curiousity with a gay website which he browsed through his phone.

This news must surely shock all parents with young children, all of whom have the latest phones in the hands. Many will already have been closely monitoring the use of the internet in their homes, but may not have been aware of the serious risk of phone usage.

On a local level, a woman, who was quite oblivious to the national story scandal unfolding this week, found material of a suspicious nature on her daughter's phone, but when she contacted the mobile phone company, she was told that under the Data Protection Act they could not discuss the issue with anyone but the child herself.

Do you get the feeling that we're heading down the sewer-pipe, and mindless bureaucracy is giving us a hard push to get us there much more quickly.

There's a compelling need to force the phone companies into restricting what children and can and cannot do with their phones.


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